Trimble Music Studio COVID-19 Policies
In conjunction with your child participating in any program with Trimble Music Studio, you will be asked to sign a contract that includes these terms:
_____ (1) The programs taught at Trimble Music Studio, LLC are interactive group programs. It is not feasible to social distance students, parents and/or teacher during class. Students will be coming and going at the same time and they will be in close contact with other parents and students when entering and exiting the studio. During group activities in class, we will be in close proximity, holding hands, sharing manipulatives and percussion instruments.
_____ (2) Classes may have between 5-8 students, and on parent weeks there may be as many as 17 people in the studio at one time.
_____ (3) Hand sanitizer as well as soap and water are available for you and your child to use before, during or after class. Your teacher will not be managing the use of hand sanitizer upon entering or exiting. This will be your responsibility, as the parent, to make sure that your child utilizes these if you would like.
_____ (4) Face masks will not be required in class. The teaching done in these classes is much more effective without masks on. Wearing masks may prohibit your child from using proper singing technique. It may also inhibit their development of accurate pitch, as it will muffle the sound. In addition, masks interfere with facial expressions which are so necessary in the bonding elements intentionally written into the programs. The decision on mask wearing will be up to the parent. You and your child are welcome to wear masks, or not. Your teacher will not be wearing a mask. Some of your child’s classmates may be wearing masks, but others may not.
_____ (5) If you would like to sanitize your child's individual space and/or keyboard before their class, there will be sanitizing wipes available for you to use.
_____ (6) As always, please do not bring your child to class within 24 hours of illness (fever, excessive coughing, vomiting, diarrhea). If a child has symptoms of illness, specifically, a cough or runny nose, that child may be dismissed from class. If your teacher is sick, class will either be taught by a substitute or postponed and the semester schedule adjusted.
_____ (7) Live classes will be taught the entire year. Online, virtual and/or makeup classes will not be an option.
____ (8) I am choosing to have my child participate in class, as outlined, of my own free will. I understand the associated potential risks of exposure to Covid-19, any of its variants, or any other virus or illness. By choosing to participate, I agree to assume this risk for myself, my child and my family. I agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Let’s Play Music, Trimble Music Studio, LLC, the current property owners, Randy and Jennifer Trimble, their family members and heirs from all claims, losses, damages, liabilities (monetary, medical, or otherwise), penalties, expenses, legal fees and costs of any kind or amount whatsoever, which may result should myself, my child or my family become infected with Covid-19, any of its variants, or any other virus or illness due to participation in classes.